Teen Camp 2022: One more post of pics—the talent show, Sabbath services, and dorms ready for the banquet and dance!
We’re back for one more post! We apologize for the delay—after the last Sabbath at camp, things went so quickly and we were so busy that posting photos had to take second place. But now that everyone is back, safe and sound, it’s time for one more post of pics! These final pictures feature campers entertaining their camp-mates at the talent show, some photos from the last Sabbath service, and pictures of the dorms, all gussied up for the final banquet and dance. This year’s camp was a blast, and we pray that everyone—both campers and staff—arrived home with minds filled with good memories, uplifting lessons, and thoughts of their new friends. Our thanks to all who made this year’s camp a success, and God willing we’ll see you in 2023!