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Tag Archive for: Videos

What LEGO bricks have to say about God’s existence

Yes, I know they are toys. But no one honestly appreciating the engineering marvel that a Lego brick represents can turn right around and easily dismiss the fact that God exists. Seriously! I hope this video helps make that point.

Great animated video: Is the origin of life already solved?

Credit to Mr. Weston, who pointed me to this video. I love this channel and its videos, but I did not know this one was out.

When you hear people spin tales of how life began as a mix of chemicals somewhere a long time ago and how that is totally, totally, totally believable and that it has even been shown scientifically how it is possible, you can discard such smoke and mirrors. This well-done little video demonstrates why you should ignore them because the science does not say what too many claim it says…

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A lesson from my bonsai tree (well, the pot)

He Who Is Cursed To Kill All The Plants learns a little something from an innovation in the pot of his bonsai tree…

The Bible and (believe it or not) fractals

Warning: This short video is a bit nerdy. You may accidentally learn about something related to math. But the point my pastor’s wife made to me years ago has been a real blessing to how I think about and appreciate the Bible, and it continues to bless me today, and it seemed worth sharing.

Expanded (Amazing) DNA Video from Charlotte Family Weekend

Those who attended the Charlotte Family Weekend at the end of 2019 and saw the seminar where we discussed reasons to believe God exists. If so, you saw an amazing video depicting DNA replication, created by Drew Barry, a professional science animator who kindly gave us permission to show the video to our audience.

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