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Tag Archive for: Videos

A young Queen Elizabeth’s inspirational words to other young adults

After recording our last podcast, I was prompted to watch the full version of a short clip of a speech Queen Elizabeth gave on the occasion of her 21st birthday. In it, she comments on the “great joy” of being a young adult, having grown up in “terrible and glorious” years, and entering the time when one can begin to take some of the burden off of those who have gone before. It is a remarkable speech, and I hope it resonates with all of you.

It is quaintly raw, with pauses for the camera to be repositioned or focused or for a redo. But at less than 8 minutes, we believe it is worth your time, listening to Queen Elizabeth when she was closer to your age—the exact same age as many of you, in fact—and hearing the advice she has to give.

Kurzgesagt on the Human Immune System

Are you familiar with Kurzgesagt videos? Apparrently, “kurzgesagt” is German for “briefly said” or the English idiom “in a nutshell.” And the Kurzgesagt YouTube channel aims at making complex and interesting topics simple to understand. Regrettably, they come from the sort of background you might expect for worldly science folks: Pro-evolution, etc. Still, the way they explain topics is often both entertaining and educational—and, when it happens to highlight the amazing design of life, they end up providing a Romans 1:20 witness to God’s power and how amazing His design of creation truly is.

As a sample, we thought their video below on the human immune system is simply fantastic at illustrating just how remarkable this God-designed system truly is. We’ve written about it before (in the TW: “The War Beneath Your Skin”), and seeing it discussed at length in these videos—yet so succinctly with such pleasant illustrations—really brings out details we would never have space to include in an article.

So, feel free to take a look at the first video (one in a series of three) and see if it impresses you, as well, at how amazing God’s design of your body truly is. And if they bring up evolution, ask yourself: How plausible is it really that such a system could evolve? The answer is pretty obvious when you think about it—not plausible at all.


Teen Camp 2022: 2G enters the chat! Plus, pics of 1B & 3G at Topics & Dance, and more water skiing!

How hot is it in Texas this year? As 2G explains in their video below, they are like “potatoes cooking in a pot!” That’s hot! But God blessed the camp with some rain today, which has cooled things off a bit as the Sabbath approaches. In the meantime, after the video, enjoy pics from 1B & 3G at Table Topics & Dance and more pics of waterskiers during Evening Activities.

Teen Camp 2022: We invite you to meet 2B! Plus, 2B & 1G at Topics & Dance (with a mini-camper bonus!)

Teen Camp 2022: Let’s meet 1G, then off to Topics & Dance with 3B & 2G!

Here’s a video to introduce you to 1G! Then, the dorms prepare all camp for an evening of Spokesman Club-style table topics and a dance, and that time finally came for 3B & 2G, as reflected in the pics! [And we apologize for the delay, but the 1G video is now below!]


Teen Camp 2022: Meet 3B, Morning Chants & Christian Living, 1B heads out to sea (well, lake!), and 1G explores their inner Robin Hood

Teen Camp 2022: Meet 3G, 1B & 3B in Speech, 1B take to their steeds and build a wall, and 1G goes on the air!

And the pictures begin again! There are a few of 1G, 1B, 3B, and 3G below, but first a video! At camp, the photography team is trying to make a brief video showcasing some of the events in a day for each dorm, and it looks like 3G is up first. We hope you enjoy it and are praying for everyone as Week 2 is off and running! (And thanks for your prayers so far!) If you haven’t seen Mr. Weston’s update from last Friday at camp, you should watch it. Just click here to open it up in another tab and then come on back! Someone mentioned at services yesterday how excited they were to see the values he mentions in that update being emphasized at camp. So, check it out, then come back and check these out! Or vice versa—we’re not picky!