We thought this was so nicely done that it seemed worth posting on its own page. Podcast 62 was about the “Unpardonable Sin” and we linked to this video there on that page. But here it is, embedded, if you’d like to watch it. We think the whiteboard crew did a great job with this one—a video viewed on YouTube more than 1.3 million times. Have a look! (Then listen to the podcast! And read Mr. Ames’ article!)
https://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.png00Wallace Smithhttps://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.pngWallace Smith2023-07-21 15:47:002024-07-09 12:28:10“Unpardonable Sin” Whiteboard video mentioned in Podcast 62
In this week’s podcast, we mentioned a telecast by Mr. Gerald Weston titled “What Is the Greatest Love?” Here it is!
https://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.png00Wallace Smithhttps://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.pngWallace Smith2023-06-24 03:09:512023-08-04 12:07:04Mentioned in the Podcast: “What Is the Greatest Love?”
A change of pace this week, since my podcast partner, Mr. Robinson, is out of town. It’s a bit nerdy (specifically of the “soundtrack nerd” variety of nerdy), but there has long been a subtle cue in the movie music of John Williams that I have appreciated. Not only has it helped me to admire him as a composer, it has provided for me an illustration of the need for spiritual discernment. If you will forgive my lack of technical prowess (I just play the music right out of my speaker instead of editing it into the video), I hope this discussion helps get that idea across. If it isn’t terrible (and be honest with me, I can take it…), I’ll try to follow up in the future with a Michael Giacchino-themed lesson that goes hand in hand with this one.
https://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.png00Wallace Smithhttps://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.pngWallace Smith2023-05-18 17:12:212023-05-18 17:12:22Video: A Lesson from John Williams about Discernment (and the Devil)
We mentioned in the last post that we would put up a telecast by Mr. Michael Heykoop and a Viewpoint by Mr. Javid Khan. So, here they are! Actually, Mr. Khan works on graphics for many of the Viewpoints, if not all of them. But he does the presentation on this one. Give them both a watch!
https://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.png00Wallace Smithhttps://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.pngWallace Smith2023-04-22 08:14:212024-07-09 12:29:54Some videos from those handsome Canadians
We often emphasize in the Church that the United States and Great Britain did not become great because they are somehow “better than everyone else” and that the source of their abundant blessings is God’s unconditional promise to their physical descendant Abraham. Continuously enjoying those blessings is very conditional, but that’s a story for another time!
(Though, if you’ve never studied why all of this is the case and proven it for yourself, you will find our booklet on the United States and Great Britain in Prophecy a worthwhile Bible study.)
This means, for example, that although the U.S. is the most powerful single nation in the world (for now!), we should see elements that represent God’s divine blessing on the nation in ways that the people themselves had little to nothing to do with. That is, things that make the country great that the people had no control over.
With that in mind, the video below is one we stumbled upon recently, and it does a marvelous job of explaining how the unique geography of the U.S.—something that the original colonists and citizens of the nation could not have “created” or established for themselves—is one of the key reasons behind its greatness and power in the world. So, we thought that it would be worth passing along for those who might be interested! (And, frankly, we’re just fond of calling things “OP”—it makes us feel hip.) It’s below.
https://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.png00Wallace Smithhttps://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.pngWallace Smith2023-01-18 07:38:522024-07-09 12:33:48How Unique Geography Gives the U.S. Superpowers
We’re afraid there is no podcast this week! Our podcast hosts have been extremely busy, but hope to get back to the mic next week. We did load a new podcast to Spotify and Apple that had previously only been in YouTube, from much earlier last season—about 25 episodes ago! If you didn’t hear it then (It’s about tattoos. Spoiler Alert: God’s not in favor of them…), then head out to Spotify or Apple Podcasts and check it out. The sound quality is not as good as it’s been recently, so be kind!
However, we do have brand new entry in our “Five Questions” series with folks at HQ, this time introducing Ms. Rebekah Ross!
How nice to sit down with the always wonderful Ms. Ross to talk a little about the Living Ed music class—and to cruelly spring a quiz question on her from more than a decade ago when she was a camper at the Missouri Pre-Teen Camp. Can she still answer it? No spoilers here… Watch and see!
Our thanks to Rebekah and all she does to help our LE–Charlotte students bring a little more music into their lives! The video is below, as are the two previous 5Q segments, for those who did not see them.
https://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.png00Wallace Smithhttps://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.pngWallace Smith2022-12-23 16:04:062023-01-19 10:20:375Q with Ms. Rebekah Ross of the Living Ed Music Department
We received a question from a young adult out there on matters of clean and unclean animals, and it prompted us to post this great Tomorrow’s World Whiteboard which some of you may not have seen. It does a great job of summarizing Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. We hope you like it!
P.S. The question we received was about ducks and swans. In the list of unclean birds, “swan” is a mistranslation in some Bibles (like the KJV). Best evidence (including internal evidence in the passage) suggests that the Hebrew word concerns a kind of owl, completing the list of owls in the passage. Many other translations (NKJV) get that right.
P.P.S. Unlrelated to the topic, but, hey, why not here? We apologize that there was no podcast last week! Our podcasters were very focused on getting a new literature item ready for final review, and there just wasn’t time. We’ve thought about putting out two podcasts this week to make up for it, but we’re also in the middle of the Council of Elders meetings. So, we’ll see! But please forgive us! Now, the video (which was the whole point of this post)…
https://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.png00Wallace Smithhttps://www.livingyouth.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/logo2-300x138.pngWallace Smith2022-11-08 07:12:552024-07-09 12:35:35“Is it clean, or unclean, that is the question…”