Posts with a podcast.

Tag Archive for: Podcast

Podcast: What can Living Education do for you?

Today (Friday), the Class of 2022 graduated from the on-campus Living Education–Charlotte program, and yesterday, we had the opportunity to sit down with Mr. Jonathan McNair and pick his brain about both the program and his own long history of working with youth in the Church. Whether you are a teen or young adult with questions about Living Ed, a parent trying to decide how to guide your kiddos into their futures, or just someone wanting to know more about the program, this podcast answers all the questions. it was a real pleasure to sit down with Mr. McNair—who informed us, by the way, that there are still openings for the 2022–2023 year here in Charlotte! If you are interested in checking it out, listen to the podcast, and click on this link to apply.

Podcast: Dating and “Good People” in the World

This week’s podcast focuses on another question we’ve received: What’s so wrong with dating “good people” in the world? It’s a great question! And both the Bible and, when you really think about it, common sense provide important answers. We hope it helps, and we hope our sound quality continues to improve! Again, your feedback is so helpful. Please let us know what you think.

Also, we don’t mention an article or booklet in this episode, but an old classic by Mr. Gerald Weston came to mind—an old 2006 Tomorrow’s World article written for the “Tomorrow’s Youth” feature, in which he included six of his “Unshakable Unbreakables.” Great advice worth reviewing—or reading for the first time for most of you, given it was published almost 16 years ago!


Podcast: What Gives Us the Right to Be Dogmatic?

This week’s podcast answers a question emailed to us from a Church family. The father—who grew up as a teen in the Church, himself—pointed out that, when he was younger, he would sometimes wonder what gives the Church the right to speak so dogmatically. After all, we speak pretty strongly! We draw clear lines about right and wrong and make no bones about it—and those lines differ greatly from the lines being drawn by many in the world around us. So what does give us the right to speak so dogmatically? It was a great question, and we hope you’ll find the answer helpful!

As usual, we refer to some additional items in the podcast—one LCN article by Mr. Mark Sandor about “doubtful things” and one of our foundational booklets, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy. Below the embedded video, you’ll find links to both.

(By the way: We hope you enjoy the improved sound quality! We’re still learning, but our Disclaimer Guy (Chris Leonard) is also our wonderful IT guy, and he has helped us put together a better audio set up. Let us know what you think, and thanks for your patience as we continue to learn what in the world we’re doing.)

Podcast: Roe v. Wade and Abortion

If you’ve heard all the talk in the news about the Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court case and abortion, you know that something potentially big is up. Essentially, the 1973 court case that created a “right” to abortion in the U.S. is potentially about to be undone, according to a leaked draft of the decision (which is not yet finalized). It was already a passionate topic for many, and you can expect the rhetoric to reach new levels of full-throated zeal in the days ahead.

But our concern is always what do God and Jesus Christ think about this, and what do They want me (and you!) to think about this? And, as we consider such things, can we avoid the traps the Devil will lay out for us to ensnare us and suck us into the world of political striving by remembering that the Kingdom we are called to represent is not a part of this age or world (John 18:38)? Young people care about the world in which they live—and the Tempter is skilled at turning our passions into bait on his hook.

On today’s podcast, we chat about those things. We hope you find it profitable! (Also, we refer to several articles you might find helpful—links to this are below the video.)

Here are links to those articles:

Podcast: Why a Second Holy Day at the End of Unleavened Bread?

We hope your Days of Unleavened Bread have been wonderfully flat, tasty, and spiritually profitable! This episode of the podcast has us meditating on the question of why God might have included a second high day at the end of the Days of Unleavened Bread and some (not all!) of the lessons He might want us to take from the events of that amazing Exodus event, thousands of years ago, connected to this day. We pray it’s profitable for you! (We refer briefly to the previous podcast about Passover thoughts concerning youth in the Church. That’s available here.)

Podcast: Passover Thoughts for the Young and Not-Yet-Baptized

We hope you are having a wonderful start to your Spring Holy Day season! This podcast was recorded not long before Passover, and we focus on mainly three topics: Why the Holy Day cycle starts with Passover, some of the differences in seeing the need for baptism for those who have grown up in the Church compared to those who haven’t, and the commonly heard comment made by some who don’t feel ready for baptism: “I’m not good enough, yet…” We talk about them all in this episode, and we refer to two articles: One by Dr. Scott Winnail meant to help younger people help evaluate when they might be ready for baptism, and another I wrote about what lessons we need to take from Passover to fully understand that the Days of Unleavened Bread have to teach us. I’ll add links to both of those below the video.

Have a wonderful Days of Unleavened Bread!

Links to those two articles:

Podcast: Let’s Talk About that Oscars Slap

No, we didn’t watch the Oscars. But whether you watched them or not, it’s hard to escape the footage of Will Smith’s now-infamous on-stage slap of Chris Rock after the comedian’s joke concerning Mrs. Smith’s shaved head. Frankly, the new Best Actor award winner could have used Mr. Robinson’s advice here in this podcast! What’s going on in our culture that enabled a moment like this? And how would you have handled it? Let’s do some biblical thinking! Click below to listen. (Scroll below the video for two related links.)

If you are interested, here is a link to the YouGov survey we refer to in the video. The results look a tad different than described in the podcast, partially due to changes in the age-group boundaries and possibly due to additional data since the early results we looked at, but the trend is still the same, illustrating a significant difference between the perception of younger and older individuals. Also, here is a link to that earlier post that unpacks and examines Will Smith’s statement “Love will make you do crazy things.”