Posts with a podcast.

Tag Archive for: Podcast

Podcast: Politics, Jury Duty, and the Military

In a world that is increasingly political, being representatives of a different kingdom presents its challenges. Join us today as we jump into our (non)relationship to politics and related topics.

The YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcast embeds are below. Also, the podcast refers to a Living Church News article, “Christians and Causes.” A link to that can be found below, as well. We hope you find the episode and the article helpful!

And here’s a link to the article that is mentioned:

Podcast: Surviving Christmas

It’s that time of year again. As Christians who don’t keep Christmas, the season presents its special challenges! In this episode, we discuss some of those challenges, prompted by a request from one of our listeners. At a certain point in the podcast, we refer to a Tomorrow’s World Whiteboard video, which you can find by clicking here, or by watching it below. Also, you can now find us not only on Spotify, but also Apple Podcasts.

We hope this episode is helpful!

And here is the Whiteboard we mentioned.

Podcast: The Tasty Trifles of Gossip

A listener-recommended topic today from one of you: Gossip! Tempting to do, but so damaging to yourself and others. Today, we dive into gossip and talebearing and give some simple advice both to those who’ve been the victim of gossip and to those who feel its temptations.

The article mentioned in today’s podcast episode has been posted here on the Living Youth page before. Just head over to this entry almost a year ago—“Being Christian Online: Two Great Articles!”—and you’ll see a link to the article Mr. Robinson’s mentioned.

Podcast: What We’re Thankful For

This week, we are thankful. On the podcast, we talk about some of the things for which we are very thankful (and fair warning, we do get a little rambly!), and we hope it spurs you to meditate on things you are thankful for, both the obvious things and the not-so-obvious. We mention two articles in the podcast, and links to them are listed below the embedded video and audio. One was posted earlier this week (Mr. Robinson’s) and the other is from Mr. Ames.

Podcast: Tragedy in South Korea

The news a couple of weeks ago about the terrible “crowd crush” tragedy in Seoul, South Korea, was heartrending. Several listeners asked us to comment on it, and it is the topic of this week’s podcast. We hope you find it helpful, and thank you to those who recommended the topic.

Podcast: A Visit with Peter Nathan!

Fresh from his star turn in this year’s “Behind the Work” video about the preaching of the Gospel in Africa and our growing band of brothers and sisters there, Mr. Peter Nathan joins us in the podcast studio—a.k.a. Mr. Robinson’s office. We hope you enjoy this interview, in which we get a bit of his personal background and how he became involved in the Work in Africa!

Podcast: What a Great Feast!

We’re back after the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day! We thought we’d be easy on ourselves and devote this podcast episode to chatting about experiences and lessons from our Feast. We hope you enjoy the conversation!

P.S. Just realized that we accidentally skipped Episode 29. Oops! Heh… Uh… Maybe we’ll record that next time and pretend we did it before this one. Stay tuned!