Posts with a podcast.

Tag Archive for: Podcast

Podcast 69: Behind the Scenes of FOT Planning with Mr. Rod McNair!

Before we all sing that first hymn on opening night of this year’s Feast of Tabernacles, it’s helpful to know that a lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to make that night—and the eight days that follow—possible for all of us. Join us today as we chat with Mr. Rod McNair, Assistant Director of Church Administration, and get the scoop on what it takes to make our Feast observances happen—and hopefully get inspired to pitch in yourself!

[Also, this episode refers to a recent LCN article by Mr. Gerald Weston titled “How Does God Place His Name?” Very fitting reading before the FOT. Check it out at the link.]

Podcast 68: Feast of Tabernacles Memories

A pleasantly laid-back podcast this week, as we pause to reflect on favorite memories of Feasts of Tabernacles past and encourage you to plan on making wonderful memories yourself this coming Feast.

Podcast 67: Is the Door Closed?

A common refrain from some who once knew better is that the “door” to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is now closed until Jesus Christ’s return and that we should focus on “preparing the bride.” But is this true? It’s not. In fact, seeking to reach the world with God’s truth is essential to the health of the Body of Christ—including its growth as Christ’s bride. On today’s program, we talk about why. Because that door is very much still open!

We mention two Living Church News articles in this episode. Here are links to both.

Podcast 66: Reject Fake “Tate” Masculinity (Part 2)

In this week’s episode, we conclude our discussion of God’s design of men and masculinity, contrasting it against the fake masculinity on offer from too many hucksters out there.

Also, we mention three other resources on the podcast. Here they are!

Podcast 65: Reject Fake “Tate” Masculinity

The assault on masculinity and the so-called “patriarchy” in the public arena has left many young men looking for guidance. Too many turn to online “heroes” who offer a fake caricature of masculinity that is contrary to God’s original design for how men are supposed to be men. Today‚ we look at the difference and talk about what it means to embrace the kind of masculinity God intended.

Podcast 64: Talking Camp with Mr. Gerald Weston

LYP Teen Camp 2023 is over! Today, we sit down with the camp director and our presiding evangelist, Mr. Gerald Weston, to talk about how camp went and to ask him to explain some of the principles and values that drive our approach to serving our teenagers each summer at the camps. If you’ve ever wanted to know why we do what we do when we do camp, this is your episode!

Don’t forget that we’ve posted tons of pics from this year’s teen camp, available down below, and that more pictures from other camps, such as some of the preteen camps and the adventure camp, should be posted, as well, as soon as we find a spare moment! So, check back often. Now, here’s the podcast!

P.S. I forgot the link to the sermon Mr. Robinson mentioned that I said I would put up! We’ll put it in its own post right after this one—a real classic from Mr. Rod King. If you’ve never heard it, you should give it a listen.

Podcast 63: How Do We Understand the “Angry Psalms”?

The Psalms have some pretty violent imagery in them! If they are models for us, in many ways, about how to really pour our hearts out to God in prayer, then what are we to do with these “angry psalms”? Mr. Robinson is here to help us out!