Posts with a podcast.

Tag Archive for: Podcast

Podcast 137: Prophecy Comes Alive!

Bible prophecies that the Church of God has spoken about for generations, even in the face of mockery, seem to be coming alive right before our eyes these days. And they are good examples of how prophecy doesn’t need to be complicated. Having a basic understanding of the arc of prophecy can help you put the news into a biblical context and provide insights available no other way.

Podcast 136: What Is It Like Being a Minister?

It’s not just giving a sermon once a week! Today we welcome our own pastor to the studio, Mr. John Strain, and ask him to help all of us understand some of what it’s like being a pastor in the field.

Podcast 135: When Honoring Your Parents Seems Difficult

God wants us to obey His commands even when they are difficult to do. And, in a broken world, even the Fifth Commandment—to honor our father and mother—can feel like a real challenge. Today, we discuss some of those challenges and how to approach them.

Also, we highlight a fantastic sermon in this episode, in which Mr. Rod McNair discusses some children with a very famous—or, perhaps, infamous—father and how they ultimately honored him. You can watch it here on YouTube: “The Surprising Legacy of the Sons of Korah.”

Podcast 134: Christ’s Return Is Not (Just) About You

If life seems good, we might be tempted to think we’d like Christ’s return to come later instead of ASAP, maybe after we’ve “lived” a little more. But with a little perspective, it becomes clear: We have every reason to pray with sincere conviction, “Your kingdom come!” Join us as we talk about it.

Podcast 133: Help with God’s Work—TODAY!

It’s easy to think of Jesus Christ’s commission to do the Work of God and reach the world with the truth as something other people do. But it isn’t! It’s something you and I—and everyone in God’s Church—play a role in. So today, we discuss seven very real ways you can help with God’s Work—ways you can begin helping today!

On the podcast today, we mentioned three LCN articles and an old podcast. For those interested, you can find them at the links below:

Podcast 132: Did Jesus Rise?

If you did not believe that the Bible was the inspired word of God, would you still have cause to believe in Jesus’ resurrection? It was a real question for the Gentiles to whom Paul preached, who were unfamiliar with the Bible, and it’s a real question for many today. But if we are open to the evidence, it points to one conclusion above all others. Join us on the podcast today as we look at that evidence and ask the question, Did Jesus rise?

Podcast 131: The Battle Against First-Century Heresy Continues!

As mainstream, mainline “Christianity” becomes popular again, it is important to be fortified with the truth—including the fact that the heresies that came to dominate nominal Christianity began long ago in the days of the Apostles themselves. Listen in as we look at what the Bible has to say about it.

The sermon referenced in today’s podcast can be found here: “Behold, a White Horse.” Also, we just recorded a Tomorrow’s World telecast by the same title that will air later this year, so keep an eye out for it!