Posts with content related to historical events and perspectives on those events.

Tag Archive for: History

Podcast: Studying History with Your Brain Turned On

Why are there four gospels? How do you study history? How do you even read history, especially the history of the Bible? What should teens and young adults keep in mind as they study history in school and at a university? And just what is the name of the last king of Judah, anyway? (We know it starts with a “Z”…)

Join us on the podcast as we talk with Area Pastor and admitted history nerd Mark Sandor about keeping your brain turned on when reading or studying history, biblical or otherwise.

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Blubber Rain: Lessons from an Exploding Whale Carcass

Bone fragments, chunks of rotting whale meat, slabs of stinking blubber, droplets of liquids, and a fine mist of various carcass fluids all rained down from a clear sky. Over the ocean? On a deserted beach? No. On a crowd of 75 fleeing spectators and their cars filling makeshift parking lots outside of Florence, Oregon, in 1970.

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