Tag Archive for: Current Events

Podcast 110: A Very “Special” Start to the Olympics

Well, the opening celebrations of the 2024 Summer Olympics in France were a display of many things not worth celebrating. That bothered some, while others were bothered for very different reasons. Let’s put on our biblical thinking caps and talk about it!

Podcast 107: Meditations on an Almost-Assassination

The near-miss assassination attempt on Mr. Trump could have been a national tragedy. In moments like this, it is vital to think biblically and not just emotionally. Today, we meditate together on some important principles that should come to mind in a moment like this one.

Podcast 99: Thinking About the Campus Protests

As protests related to the war in Gaza continue on many college campuses, it’s important that we think clearly about them. What’s going on with these protests? What are they achieving, if anything? And what do we do, as followers of Jesus Christ, when confronted with heartbreaking images in our news feeds? Join us today as we ask and answer important questions about the protests.

Also, the podcast refers to an important article by Mr. Mario Hernandez about the conflict in the Middle East, one that adds a perspective virtually no one understands. Click here to read that article: “The True Cause of Trouble in the Middle East!”

Podcast 76: Israel & Gaza: Keeping a Clear Head

We’re back after our Thanksgiving break! And this week we discuss some of the temptations and misunderstandings that you might come across as you listen to the news about the Israel-Gaza conflict. A lot of people want young minds on their side—keep yours on God’s.