Posts that contain content related to living a Christian life.

Tag Archive for: Christian Living

Podcast 77: Girlboss, Soft Girl, Trad Wife, or …?

Social archetypes are shoved onto young women from all sides—moving from “fashionable” to “cringy” so fast they might make your head spin. Today, we take a look at the Girlboss idea, the Soft Girl era that wants to replace it, and the Trad Wife phenomenon, and then consider what God says a young woman should actually aim for. It might surprise you!

The usual platforms are below. But first, we mention a couple of sermons in these podcasts—here also are links to those.

Podcast 75: Why Counsel Before Getting Engaged?

When you hear “pre-engagement counseling,” you might ask yourself, “Why would I want to counsel with a minister before I get engaged?” Yet, if you’re thinking biblically, it makes perfect sense. Join us as we talk about it on this week’s episode.

Podcast 72: Phil Sena on Growing Up in the Church

We’re back from the Feast and ready for the third season of the Living Youth Podcast—and what a privilege to have Mr. Phil Sena visit this week! At our request, he sits down with us, talks about his history growing up in the Church, and gives some helpful advice about processing dramatic happenings in the news (like we see around us right now). Check it out below on our usual channels and platforms.

Podcast 66: Reject Fake “Tate” Masculinity (Part 2)

In this week’s episode, we conclude our discussion of God’s design of men and masculinity, contrasting it against the fake masculinity on offer from too many hucksters out there.

Also, we mention three other resources on the podcast. Here they are!

Podcast 65: Reject Fake “Tate” Masculinity

The assault on masculinity and the so-called “patriarchy” in the public arena has left many young men looking for guidance. Too many turn to online “heroes” who offer a fake caricature of masculinity that is contrary to God’s original design for how men are supposed to be men. Today‚ we look at the difference and talk about what it means to embrace the kind of masculinity God intended.

Podcast 61: The Lure of the Influencer Life

Influencers on social media are called that for a reason—they are extremely effective at influencing those who watch them. Their lives, attitudes, and apparent success can be extremely appealing, such that those who watch or listen come to want what the person or couple online seems to have. You might think you’re too savvy to be influenced, but don’t be too sure. Not only would 1 Corinthians 10:12 like to have a word, but the money talks too: Influencing is a multi-billion dollar industry because it works. Join us as we talk about the lure that such influencers dangle in front of us while we discuss how to stay grounded in reality and godly values.

Mentioned in the Podcast: “What Is the Greatest Love?”

In this week’s podcast, we mentioned a telecast by Mr. Gerald Weston titled “What Is the Greatest Love?” Here it is!