Tag Archive for: Bible

Podcast 112: Why Does God Use Prophecy?

Prophecy is weird! But it really is important, and God uses it for good reason. Join us today as we talk about why God uses prophecy, some reasons why He doesn’t, why you don’t need to be intimidated by it, and how to start understanding it yourself.

In today’s podcast, we refer to a telecast on the same topic. Now that we look for that one, I’m not sure it has aired yet! But this classic from Mr. Richard Ames covers the exact same points: “Why Bible Prophecy?” Also, here are the five booklets we recommended to begin your own studies in Bible prophecy—again, all you have to do is get this booklet and read a little each week, looking up verses in your Bible as you encounter them in the booklet. No need to be intimidated!

However, one we did not mention that is sort of a no-brainer is Mr. Ames’ booklet Understanding Bible Prophecy. Like the Revelation booklet, it is a great one to start with.

Thinking Biblically: Entertainment

As you’ve probably heard or read on this website, we hope to cover how to think biblically about any given topic. I appreciate that phrase, as it’s close to something I’ve said frequently in sermons and other messages: “Keep your brain turned on!” 

But what about entertainment? 

Sometimes the problem with thinking biblically about entertainment is that entertainment is usually designed to help us stop thinking. When I consider some of the entertainment I enjoy, like fantasy football or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I know that part of the reason I enjoy it is because it’s not mentally taxing—I can transport myself to a happy, fictional place where superheroes defeat villains, or to an alternate reality where I know who will score more touchdowns. 

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