Podcast 113: Playing God—the Right Way and the Wrong Way

With astonishing recent advances in science and technology, playing God is becoming dangerously easy. But, in a way, doesn’t God want us to do that? Let’s talk about it!

In the podcast, we mention some articles:

Podcast 112: Why Does God Use Prophecy?

Prophecy is weird! But it really is important, and God uses it for good reason. Join us today as we talk about why God uses prophecy, some reasons why He doesn’t, why you don’t need to be intimidated by it, and how to start understanding it yourself.

In today’s podcast, we refer to a telecast on the same topic. Now that we look for that one, I’m not sure it has aired yet! But this classic from Mr. Richard Ames covers the exact same points: “Why Bible Prophecy?” Also, here are the five booklets we recommended to begin your own studies in Bible prophecy—again, all you have to do is get this booklet and read a little each week, looking up verses in your Bible as you encounter them in the booklet. No need to be intimidated!

However, one we did not mention that is sort of a no-brainer is Mr. Ames’ booklet Understanding Bible Prophecy. Like the Revelation booklet, it is a great one to start with.

Podcast 111: Classic Episode: Thinking Biblically About History

Today, we revisit an older podcast episode most of you haven’t heard—the fourth one we ever did! We hope you’ll forgive the old sound quality a bit (we were growing!) and welcome Mr. Mark Sandor as our guest, as he talks with us about thinking clearly and biblically about history.

Podcast 110: A Very “Special” Start to the Olympics

Well, the opening celebrations of the 2024 Summer Olympics in France were a display of many things not worth celebrating. That bothered some, while others were bothered for very different reasons. Let’s put on our biblical thinking caps and talk about it!

Podcast 109: Keep It Real with “Big Picture” Passages

Some Bible passages stand out to us and help us keep a larger picture in mind. When you find those, hold on to them! Today on the podcast, we discuss a few of ours.

[By the way, if you are here for camp pictures, just keep scrolling, or scroll back to the top post and click on the link there. And welcome back, all you campers and staff!]

LYP Teen Camp 2024: One last post of pics!

The LYP Texas Teen Camp for 2024 is now a memory, and most campers and staff have returned home. But here, in this final post, are pics from the final day. Enjoy reliving the memories, beginning with this all-camp photo.

The last day consists of all-camp activities, with friendly competitions and team challenges. Here are some pics.

Then came the Final Banquet!

Here are the Brother and Sister Dorm pairs (all dressed up!)—individually and then together—in ascending order: 1, 2, 3, and 4.

And then, the Final Dance: A lot of setup, a lot of dancing, and a lot of happy grins for the photo booth.

Thanks to all who served and all who came! It was a wonderful summer, and we’re looking forward to next year!

LYP Teen Camp 2024: Final regular activities, the Talent Show, and the last Sabbath of camp. Last Day activities and the Dance still to come!

1B & 3B on the court

1G goes balloon hunting.

1G cools off and takes a dip.

2B takes aim.

The LYC Talent Show!

Final Sabbath and our last Evening Reflection for 2024