The second podcast with Mr. Mark Sandor should be up next week after it’s been edited and prepped for uploading. In the meantime, this week’s podcast is about Proverbs 26:4–5, based on a question we’ve received: Are we supposed to answer a fool or not answer a fool? Listen and find out! Smith Smith2022-03-03 17:43:382022-03-03 17:43:41Pics from the Merrill Family Weekend!
Howdy! On our way back from the Merrill Family Weekend, which was wonderful! Our thanks to everyone who pitched in to make such a fantastic weekend event. The food, fellowship, sledding, football-in-the-snow—all of it was so enjoyable. Again, thank you!
This is a quick post about how we do prophecy in the Church. I know it can seem intimidating sometimes when you are young, but when you get the basic idea, it all starts to make sense. I hope this quick video (recorded in the car, so apologies about the quality!) is helpful. For the interested, the BBC article I mention can be found here.
P.S. My thanks to the early viewer who saw my mistake about the Merrill Family Weekend festivities! Definitely Saturday night, not Friday night. Friday night was my thrilling Bible Study.
P.P.S. UPDATE, 3/4/22: If you want to see an example of this in action, click here to see Mr. Weston’s most recent TW Update, in which he talked about the situation in Ukraine and reports this same fact. When you know the basics of what the arc of biblical prophecy tells us to expect, then you know what to look for in the news. Don’t let prophecy intimidate you! Smith Smith2022-03-01 11:47:462024-07-09 13:18:29How We Do Prophecy in the Church—A Quick Example
Why are there four gospels? How do you study history? How do you even read history, especially the history of the Bible? What should teens and young adults keep in mind as they study history in school and at a university? And just what is the name of the last king of Judah, anyway? (We know it starts with a “Z”…)
Join us on the podcast as we talk with Area Pastor and admitted history nerd Mark Sandor about keeping your brain turned on when reading or studying history, biblical or otherwise. Smith Smith2022-02-26 00:24:232023-01-09 09:55:04Podcast: Studying History with Your Brain Turned On
I know Rick Astley is an 80s phenomenon, but Rickrolling has kept him more prominent in the culture a lot longer than anyone expected (the Wreck-It Ralph 2 post-credits scene is the most recent example I’ve heard of), so hopefully referring to him will not be too out of date for you to understand my point. In fact, if you can read, you should be able to get it regardless of Rick Astley’s place in your life. (If you can’t read, how did you get this far?) Smith Smith2022-02-25 12:57:132024-07-09 13:18:57What Rick Astley Taught Me About Getting It Waaaaaaaay Wrong
Our third podcast outing and, frankly, we are still working on our sound quality. Right now, we’re just one Yeti mic on a desk that, apparently, one of us kept kicking or something. But we’re learning! And we hope that, while we’re improving, you still find these profitable. This week’s podcast is a topic I’ve wanted to talk a little about since the movie Captain America: Civil War first came out, and we were surprised how our conversation roamed around—discussing not just a lesson from Steve and Tony’s epic, team-splitting spat, but also how great it is for parents and their children to have a teaching/learning relationship and what God is trying to produce in all of us. (Yes, we ramble a bit—while kicking the desk, apparently—but it’s all connected.) And this episode features the first appearance of Disclaimer Guy! Here you go… Smith Smith2022-02-18 18:06:292023-01-09 09:54:08Podcast: How “Captain America: Civil War” illustrates you can’t fix the world without Jesus Christ
Yes, I know they are toys. But no one honestly appreciating the engineering marvel that a Lego brick represents can turn right around and easily dismiss the fact that God exists. Seriously! I hope this video helps make that point. Smith Smith2022-02-16 08:00:002024-07-09 13:19:21What LEGO bricks have to say about God’s existence
Podcast: Proverbs 26:4–5 — Answer or Don’t Answer?
/in Podcast/by Wallace Smith & John RobinsonThe second podcast with Mr. Mark Sandor should be up next week after it’s been edited and prepped for uploading. In the meantime, this week’s podcast is about Proverbs 26:4–5, based on a question we’ve received: Are we supposed to answer a fool or not answer a fool? Listen and find out!
Pics from the Merrill Family Weekend!
/in Uncategorized/by Your Friendly Neighborhood EditorsBelow are a few pictures from the Merrill Family Weekend! These are all from the sledding and football activities on Sunday. It was a blast!
Read moreHow We Do Prophecy in the Church—A Quick Example
/in Uncategorized/by Wallace SmithHowdy! On our way back from the Merrill Family Weekend, which was wonderful! Our thanks to everyone who pitched in to make such a fantastic weekend event. The food, fellowship, sledding, football-in-the-snow—all of it was so enjoyable. Again, thank you!
This is a quick post about how we do prophecy in the Church. I know it can seem intimidating sometimes when you are young, but when you get the basic idea, it all starts to make sense. I hope this quick video (recorded in the car, so apologies about the quality!) is helpful. For the interested, the BBC article I mention can be found here.
P.P.S. UPDATE, 3/4/22: If you want to see an example of this in action, click here to see Mr. Weston’s most recent TW Update, in which he talked about the situation in Ukraine and reports this same fact. When you know the basics of what the arc of biblical prophecy tells us to expect, then you know what to look for in the news. Don’t let prophecy intimidate you!
Podcast: Studying History with Your Brain Turned On
/in Podcast/by Wallace SmithWhy are there four gospels? How do you study history? How do you even read history, especially the history of the Bible? What should teens and young adults keep in mind as they study history in school and at a university? And just what is the name of the last king of Judah, anyway? (We know it starts with a “Z”…)
Join us on the podcast as we talk with Area Pastor and admitted history nerd Mark Sandor about keeping your brain turned on when reading or studying history, biblical or otherwise.
What Rick Astley Taught Me About Getting It Waaaaaaaay Wrong
/in Uncategorized/by Wallace SmithI know Rick Astley is an 80s phenomenon, but Rickrolling has kept him more prominent in the culture a lot longer than anyone expected (the Wreck-It Ralph 2 post-credits scene is the most recent example I’ve heard of), so hopefully referring to him will not be too out of date for you to understand my point. In fact, if you can read, you should be able to get it regardless of Rick Astley’s place in your life. (If you can’t read, how did you get this far?)
Read morePodcast: How “Captain America: Civil War” illustrates you can’t fix the world without Jesus Christ
/in Podcast/by Wallace Smith & John RobinsonOur third podcast outing and, frankly, we are still working on our sound quality. Right now, we’re just one Yeti mic on a desk that, apparently, one of us kept kicking or something. But we’re learning! And we hope that, while we’re improving, you still find these profitable. This week’s podcast is a topic I’ve wanted to talk a little about since the movie Captain America: Civil War first came out, and we were surprised how our conversation roamed around—discussing not just a lesson from Steve and Tony’s epic, team-splitting spat, but also how great it is for parents and their children to have a teaching/learning relationship and what God is trying to produce in all of us. (Yes, we ramble a bit—while kicking the desk, apparently—but it’s all connected.) And this episode features the first appearance of Disclaimer Guy! Here you go…
What LEGO bricks have to say about God’s existence
/in Uncategorized/by Wallace SmithYes, I know they are toys. But no one honestly appreciating the engineering marvel that a Lego brick represents can turn right around and easily dismiss the fact that God exists. Seriously! I hope this video helps make that point.