Teen Camp 2022: Staff Orientation & Arrival Day

Here are some pics from Arrival Day of this year’s LYP Teen Camp 2022. Most of what you see below is before the campers arrive—staff preps their areas of responsibility and works with their teams. Mr. Weston and his team orient the staff and discuss the spiritual principles, the camp’s rules, and the vision behind the program. Later in the day, each team of instructors gets to practice their class with a group of staff members acting as “campers.” It’s a great opportunity to try out their lesson plans in a real instructional environment, get feedback from fellow staff members, and work out any wrinkles before classes begin the next day. Everything is geared toward making sure the camp is up and running so that, when campers arrive, they are coming to a camp that is ready for them! And arrive they do, as you can see in the final pictures. More pics should be on their way soon, so be sure to check back!

LYP Teen Camp 2022 Begins

We hope these very early pics from LYP Teen Camp 2022 serve as a tease for the pics yet to come! Check them out and watch the brief video below. We look forward to posting more as camp continues (probably even later today), so come back soon!

Podcast: Does Numbers 5 mean God is pro-abortion?

Today’s podcast was recorded last night, inspired by a Twitter exchange one of us had with someone suggesting that Numbers 5 is a biblical endorsement of abortion. We thought it would be a worthwhile topic because (1) you guys are going to face scripture-twisting arguments like this, yourself, and (2) the Bible does have some passages that can strike us as “weird” at first reading, and this might be one for you. But it all makes sense if you approach the Bible with your biblical-thinking head on straight. We hope this helps!

We’ve embedded the YouTube video below, but you can also listen on Spotify if you have a Spotify account by clicking here. [Reminder: We’re on Spotify now!]

(As for emailing us, I’ve confirmed that the email address we have is not yet working properly, and I’ve got an email into the HQ IT department to see what’s going on. I’m sure they’ll be able to fix it soon, and we’ll let you know when it is fully working.)

Living Youth Podcast now available on Spotify!

By moderately popular demand, the Living Youth Podcast is now available on Spotify! Thanks for all the encouragement! It will be a while before the backlog of old programs is fully loaded onto the platform, but going forward we hope to get each new one on Spotify. For now, we’ve just selected a few and we hope to load a few extra of the old ones each month as we load new ones. Our next target is the Apple Podcast app, but let us know if there are other platforms we should consider.

Our thanks to Mr. Jonathan McNair for helping us figure out what we needed to do, based on what they’ve learned in Living Ed by getting Mr. Frank’s up and running. We appreciate it!

The Spotify page is below for those who are interested. And, again, please feel free to share any feedback, ideas, or questions at [email protected].

P.S. It looks like our podcast about how Captain America: Civil War helps demonstrate how the world needs Jesus Christ is flagged as “Explicit”! Oops! I was all ready to blame Spotify, but the error was ours (sneaky checkbox accidentally hit). Rest assured, it’s totally not “explicit” and is fully Colossians 3:8 compliant! The incorrect label should rectify itself in 24 hours or so. And believe us, the last thing we’d want to do is have Cap say “Language!”

Podcast: All About the Council of Elders!

Wow! We sort of dropped out of existence for a week or so! Sorry about that! Last week was the Council of Elders meeting, and this week went by suddenly in a blur. Next thing you know, two weeks have flown by!

Hopefully, this will make up for it. This podcast, recorded at the end of last week, was Mr. Robinson’s idea. Since we hear a lot about the Council of Elders in announcements and articles from Mr. Weston, he thought to himself, “Hey, Self, why don’t we put Mr. Smith on the hot seat for this one and ask him all about being on the Council?” He promptly agreed with himself that it was a good idea (he and himself get along very well together), and that’s exactly what we did. We hope you enjoy this little peek behind the curtain of the Council of Elders. We’ll add a link below the video to Mr. Weston’s update from that week if you’d like to hear about some of the topics we discussed.

Also, if you have any questions for us on the podcast or ideas for future topics, feel free to email us at podcast [at] livingyouth [dot] org. (Typed it funny there in a futile attempt to fool the bots. Probably won’t work!) We look forward to hearing from you!

And here’s that link to Mr. Weston’s update where he talks about some of the topics we covered during the COE meetings.

Podcast: Reflections on the Heard-Depp trial

The podcast topic this week was requested by a young adult a couple of Sabbaths ago. Seeing that a lot of people were talking about it, the Heard-Depp defamation trial seemed a good opportunity to model biblical thinking about an oddly big pop culture moment, so we were all in. Then, as we were uploading it last week, we discovered we were making a basic error of fact—which Mr. Robinson explains early in this podcast—so, we re-recorded today. Facts are important! Still, we hope you enjoyed the first installment of “Five Questions” with Mr. DeSimone last week, and we look forward to doing more in the future.

Also, as mentioned in the podcast, we now have a dedicated email address you can send questions, comments, or suggestions to (thank you, IT Department!). That address (which I will type oddly in a vain attempt to fool the spam bots) is podcast [at] livingyouth.org. We’d love to hear from you! Here’s the podcast…

Volunteer for Music and Choir at Camp!

Editor’s Note: This will be announced this Sabbath in services, but it seemed like it would be helpful to include here. We look forward to hearing from our talented teens and staff members at the teen camp this year!

This Coming Monday, June 20: Deadline for Texas Teen Camp Talent Show and Camp Choir

The deadline is approaching for all campers who would like to participate in the Texas Teen Camp Talent Show! We are looking forward to an evening of entertainment provided by campers for the whole camp to enjoy. Selections should be vocal or instrumental music reflecting godly values of wholesome, positive, and uplifting entertainment in words and/or music, avoiding worldly themes or messages. If you would like to participate, please fill out the participation form by this coming Monday, June 20. The form can be found when you log in to your MyLCG account, and it takes about seven minutes to complete. All participants must submit this form in order to be considered for the Talent Show. If you have any trouble accessing the form, please contact Mr. Rod McNair at [email protected].

We are also planning to have a camp choir. Campers and staff members are all invited to participate. If you would like to be part of the camp choir, please fill out the participation form by this coming Monday, June 20. You can access this form through your MyLCG account, and it only takes about a minute to complete. If you have trouble accessing the form, contact Mr. Rod McNair by email at [email protected]g.