Teen Camp 2022: Horses and mics and arrows and colors and bricks!

Much of life is about learning to overcome your fears—whether facing an intimidating equine or grabbing a microphone! And overcoming fears is a big part of camp. Here are some pics of campers riding horseback, trying out podcasting, and enjoying archery class. Then we have some pics from Life Roles, as well, where the ladies learn to identify the color palette that best suits them and the guys learn the art of bricklaying.



Teen Camp 2022: More Dancing, Bumping, and Setting—and Play-Doh makes an appearance

Enjoy these pics of 1B, 3G, and 3B in Dance Class and Volleyball, along with a round of Playdough Pictionary. (BTW: The Editorial Department wants you to know we are aware that the product used for Playdough Pictionary is spelled “Play-Doh.” We are not savages, you know.) And we’ve been assured that no arms were broken in these attempts to master swing dancing!


5Q with Mr. Tyler Wayne of Church Administration

If you’re looking for more camp photos, just keep on scrolling! We’ve got a ton. But while camp is going on, the work continues at the office in Charlotte! And for our next installment of “Five Questions,” I’ve got Mr. Tyler Wayne in the hot seat. He and I have done this before (as the pictures in the video will demonstrate), and it was really fun to do it again. If there is a particular department you’d like us to feature next time, let me know. In the meantime enjoy this video featuring Mr. Wayne!

Teen Camp 2022: “Setting the Tone” and Friends in the Making

The short video below includes very brief clips from Mr. Weston’s camper orientation. We want to set the right tone at the beginning! And at orientation, we work hard to do just that. Below that you’ll see some pics from Fellowship Time, one of the campers’ favorite times of day—a great time to relax, talk about how the day so far, and make some new friends.

Teen Camp 2022: 1B & 1G swing-steppin’, Minis slam-dunkin’, and 3B horse-meetin’ & coolin’ off

Teen Camp 2022: 2B, 3B, & 3G—hitting, shooting, & bumping!

Here are some pics from Day 1, taken from softball, archery, and volleyball classes.

Teen Camp 2022: First Day Fun

And, quicker than expected, here is a handful of pics from Day 1! Below each set of pictures, you’ll see a label telling you what event or activity is going on and, if applicable, what dorms are pictured. Enjoy!