Teen Camp 2022: 2G enters the chat! Plus, pics of 1B & 3G at Topics & Dance, and more water skiing!

How hot is it in Texas this year? As 2G explains in their video below, they are like “potatoes cooking in a pot!” That’s hot! But God blessed the camp with some rain today, which has cooled things off a bit as the Sabbath approaches. In the meantime, after the video, enjoy pics from 1B & 3G at Table Topics & Dance and more pics of waterskiers during Evening Activities.

Podcast: Why Does God Say He Hates Divorce?

(Again, if you are here for camp pics, just keep scrolling!)

Mr. Robinson is back in town! We sat down and discussed a topic that has been on our minds since we discussed the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp defamation case: Why does God say He hates divorce? “Hate” is a strong word! But Malachi 2:16 is pretty plain.

Your youth is the time to come to understand how God thinks about marriage and relationships, and we hope this discussion about why God might feel the way He does about the topic is helpful to you. (Bonus: One reason we discourage the “boyfriend/girlfriend” thing for teenagers is explained in this podcast! Don’t miss it!)

Our post to YouTube needed a re-post to fix an error, so it looks like it is up on Spotify first! Here’s the Spotify link, and when it is up on YouTube, we’ll add that right below the Spotify notice. So, YouTubers, keep an eye out. It’s almost there… [Update: It’s fixed and back up on YouTube! We’ve added it below, a bit under the Spotify link.]

Teen Camp 2022: 2B tests their marksmanship, 1G explores the color wheel, and 3B shares their watermelon with friends

Teen Camp 2022: 3G on the softball field, camp songs and Christian Living, and enthusiastic volleyball fans!

Teen Camp 2022: We invite you to meet 2B! Plus, 2B & 1G at Topics & Dance (with a mini-camper bonus!)

Teen Camp 2022: Rounding home! 1G hones softball skills, 2B grows in swimming endurance, and 3G play “Queen of the Court”

Camp is rounding home! And everyone plans to finish strong. Here are some pics of 1G practicing hitting and stopping grounders, 2B builds their swimming endurance, and 3G takes their turn at “Queen of the Court.”

Teen Camp 2022: Let’s meet 1G, then off to Topics & Dance with 3B & 2G!

Here’s a video to introduce you to 1G! Then, the dorms prepare all camp for an evening of Spokesman Club-style table topics and a dance, and that time finally came for 3B & 2G, as reflected in the pics! [And we apologize for the delay, but the 1G video is now below!]
