LYP Teen Camp 2023: 3B & 4B at Basketball, 4G ready for Life Roles, and 1B hits the pool!

On Tuesday, campers began streaming onto the campground, including a bus full that made the long haul from the airport. The next day, after camper orientation in the morning (including some educational skits about camp life from our staff thespians), Day One of camp kicked off! Below, you’ll see some early pictures: Dorms 3B and 4B at Basketball, Dorm 4G waiting for their Life Roles class to begin, and Dorm 1B at Swimming.

LYP Teen Camp 2023 Begins!

Campers arrived today for Living Youth Programs Teen Camp 2023! And like last year, we’ll work hard to post pictures right here every day—or as close as we can get—so you can join in the fun.

As the campers are getting to know each other tonight and preparing for a big day tomorrow, here are some pictures from yesterday of some of the staff members preparing to be ready and running before the first camper ever steps foot on the campground. At LYP, equipment gets prepared, staff goes through orientation, and each department practices its classes with staff volunteers. All work hard to ensure that the staff is on the same page, ready for their campers and students, and filled with the vision of what we hope to accomplish together at camp this year.

Be sure to check back over the next two weeks—we’ll endeavor to put up photos as frequently as we can!

Podcast 60: Is God a Socialist or a Capitalist? (Part 2)

Today, we answer the question of whether God is a socialist or a capitalist, and, spoiler alert, He’s neither. His approach to economics—the approach Jesus Christ will bring to this earth in the years just ahead of us—is miles above every “ism” of mankind. And He wants you to be a messenger for His way, not a drone drafted into the ideological war going on between today’s megaphone-enhanced advocates and activists. Listen in as we explore some of the principles and examples of God’s approach to economics as revealed in His word.

Podcast 59: Is God a Socialist or a Capitalist?

There is a war going on for your mind, seeking to conscript you into various ideological crusades and conflicts. These days—at least in the U.S.—one of the most passionate is taking place between defenders of capitalism and advocates of socialism. It might seem rather abstract, but yesterday’s boring academic debates are turning into today’s street fights and riots. And drafting young minds is the key, both sides seem to think, to winning the battle for their side.

So, if they are fighting for your mind, you should be ready to defend it. And we do that by (cue theme behind this podcast’s entire existence) thinking biblically. Because what Jesus Christ and His Father think in such things is, fundamentally, all that really matters.

This topic ended up being a big one, so this episode is part one of two. With a homework assignment at the end! Who doesn’t like homework?!? (Optional, of course! No, there will be no quiz…) We hope you’ll join us as we tackle the topic and set the stage for part two.

Mentioned in the Podcast: “What Is the Greatest Love?”

In this week’s podcast, we mentioned a telecast by Mr. Gerald Weston titled “What Is the Greatest Love?” Here it is!

Podcast 58: Weaponizing “Love”

Love is a very good thing. After all, the Apostle John said “God is love” for a reason. But both the world and individuals in the world weaponize “love” in a number of ways that, frankly, have nothing to do with real love, at all. Join us this week as we explain how.

Podcast 57: How to Be Parentable!

We often talk in sermons and articles about parenting, but what about being more parentable? What can you do that will allow God to more fully lead and develop you through the parents He has given you? Join us as we take a look together!