LYP Teen Camp 2023: 2B & 3B @ Basketball, 2G & 4G @ Canoeing, 3B @ Archery, 2G & 1B @ Dance, and Dorm Pics (and Happy Sabbath from LYP!)

Enjoy a few more pics as the sunset is headed our way, bringing the Sabbath with it! Various pics from different classes below, plus dorm pictures! It’s been a wonderful first week of camp, and from all of us in Texas to all of you around the world, have a happy Sabbath!

Podcast 61: The Lure of the Influencer Life

Influencers on social media are called that for a reason—they are extremely effective at influencing those who watch them. Their lives, attitudes, and apparent success can be extremely appealing, such that those who watch or listen come to want what the person or couple online seems to have. You might think you’re too savvy to be influenced, but don’t be too sure. Not only would 1 Corinthians 10:12 like to have a word, but the money talks too: Influencing is a multi-billion dollar industry because it works. Join us as we talk about the lure that such influencers dangle in front of us while we discuss how to stay grounded in reality and godly values.

LYP Teen Camp 2023: 4G takes to the water, Mr. Dawson instructs the camp, 4B gets to know their Bibles better, and 3G plans topics and dance decorations

It’s a busy day before the Sabbath arrives! The pictures below include the new Scripture Education class designed to help campers get to know their Bible better. And Mr. Ryan Dawson’s Christian Living class helped everyone appreciate how Esau didn’t notice the fine print on the purchase when he traded his birthright for a bowl of soup in Genesis 25!

(By the way: What you see below are only the thumbnails—click on any picture to show the full picture in “slideshow” format. Then you can use the right and left arrows to move from picture to picture with the whole image displayed.)

LYP Teen Camp 2023: 4B @ Softball, 3G @ Speech, 1B @ Life Roles, and the All-Camp Photo!

Another day of activities! From softball to speech, the life roles class to some random, smiling campers—then the All-Camp Photo, with everyone gathered together to say cheese! What a beautiful group. And you’ll see a certain Presiding Evangelist in the background of one photo doing softball drills with the campers. As past campers know, the man likes him some softball!

LYP Teen Camp 2023: 1B learns basic swimming kicks and strokes, 1G & 3G master canoe fundamentals, 3G & 2B cut a rug, 4G plans topics and dance decorations, and 1G & 2G run dribble drills

Classes continue at LYP this week! Thankfully, the schedules include water classes that provide a respite from the warm Texas sun (sometimes, swamping the canoe is the preferred outcome!) and several classes are indoors. And this year, the decorations for the topics and dance evenings are being planned and executed by the girl dorms in their Life Roles class.

LYP Teen Camp 2023: 3B & 4B at Basketball, 4G ready for Life Roles, and 1B hits the pool!

On Tuesday, campers began streaming onto the campground, including a bus full that made the long haul from the airport. The next day, after camper orientation in the morning (including some educational skits about camp life from our staff thespians), Day One of camp kicked off! Below, you’ll see some early pictures: Dorms 3B and 4B at Basketball, Dorm 4G waiting for their Life Roles class to begin, and Dorm 1B at Swimming.

LYP Teen Camp 2023 Begins!

Campers arrived today for Living Youth Programs Teen Camp 2023! And like last year, we’ll work hard to post pictures right here every day—or as close as we can get—so you can join in the fun.

As the campers are getting to know each other tonight and preparing for a big day tomorrow, here are some pictures from yesterday of some of the staff members preparing to be ready and running before the first camper ever steps foot on the campground. At LYP, equipment gets prepared, staff goes through orientation, and each department practices its classes with staff volunteers. All work hard to ensure that the staff is on the same page, ready for their campers and students, and filled with the vision of what we hope to accomplish together at camp this year.

Be sure to check back over the next two weeks—we’ll endeavor to put up photos as frequently as we can!