Podcast: Christians and the Constitution

Many in the world want to distract you from what God wants you to do with your life by pointing you to their political causes, and some of those causes can seem attractive and can pull us away from Jesus’ standard, stated when He explained “My kingdom is not of this world.” People are throwing around words like “freedom” and “liberty” out there, but how do you think about those words and ideas biblically? We hope this episode of the podcast can help with that.

On this second podcast recorded during Mr. Mark Sandor’s visit (well, second attempted, first recorded), we spend time reflecting on the U.S. Constitution, our relationship to it as Christians in America [which is hopefully helpful to our non-American brothers and sisters, as well!], whether “getting back to the Constitution” is really sufficient to save the country [Spoiler Alert: It’s not. But why not?], and viewing the freedoms we have through the lens of our responsibilities before God.

As mentioned in the podcast, part of the spur for this discussion was Mr. Gerald Weston’s excellent article The Bible vs. the U.S. Constitution” in the March-April 2022 Living Church News. If you don’t have the print version, you can click on the title there to read it.

Ezekiel’s Temple modeled in Minecraft by the Wilsons!

You know, when you throw out a suggestion in services, you have to be careful, because someone might take you up on it! At the Feast in Lake Geneva last year, I mentioned to the crowd at the Friday night Bible study that I’d always hoped someone would model Ezekiel’s Temple for me in Minecraft so I could walk around, and, lo and behold, someone did! At the recent Merrill Family Weekend, Allen Wilson showed me the version of the Temple he and his brothers, Jonathan and Benjamin, built their model of the prophetic Millennial Temple in Minecraft, and it looks great.

There are some details where their build differs from what others have done, mainly in some of the heights—which is an area of the description most open to question. I actually plan on touching on that in the Ezekiel 40–48 Bible study that Mr. Jonathan McNair has asked me to do for Living Education, so hopefully I can get my act together and do that soon.

There are two videos are embedded below, and then below that is a gallery of images, including Allen showing it to some of us at the family weekend.

Thanks, Allen, Jonathan, and Benjamin, for your hard work and for being willing to share it!

Video 1: Walking around the build.

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New This Week!

It’s easy to miss everything that gets posted over the week, so here’s what’s new this week:

Check them out below, or click/tap the item in the list to go straight there. And have a wonderful Sabbath!