Podcast 124: Is “Wicked” Wicked? Isaiah 5 Weighs In…

It’s popular. It’s trending. It promises a good message about the importance of character over social status, not judging based on appearances, and being concerned about the oppressed. But looking more broadly, the musical Wicked is part of a larger trend that illustrates how a warning found in Isaiah 5 applies very powerfully to our time today.

Podcast 123: Why Giving Thanks Matters

Today, Friend of the Podcast Phil Sena, in town for Thanksgiving, joins us to discuss why taking the time to give thanks is important.

(Also, here’s a link to the Tomorrow’s World article that Mr. Robinson mentioned: “Hacking Thankfulness.”)

[Note: For some odd reason, the YouTube feature for the website was not working well when we first posted this, so in the event that happens again and you really prefer YouTube to the other options, you can (as always) stroll out to the YouTube Living Youth Programs channel where you will find it waiting, and you can also click this link right here to go straight to this episode. However, it seems to be working now, so hopefully it is embedded below and ready for you!]

LE Students Visit the Waldensian Trail of Faith

Recently, the Living Education–Charlotte students took a field trip to the Waldensian Trail of Faith to learn a little more about part of our spiritual heritage. The video below and others can be found on the Living Ed YouTube channel. Check it out the video, then check out the channel!