Podcast 40: The Curse of Cursing (and Cussing!)

This week, we talk about cussing and cursing and how it really does make a difference—a topic suggested by one of you listeners. (Thanks!) What does using foul language really say about us, and what does God think about it? Tune in today, as we talk about the importance of keeping it clean.

The podcast is available on the usual platforms below. Also, there is a relevant Tomorrow’s World article we did not think of at the time we recorded this (maybe because the magazine graphic for that article has an embarrassing typo that we editors would like to forget), and you should read it! We’ll follow up with a link to it in a later post. [Update: Done!] In the meantime, enjoy the podcast!

What Are They Up To at Living Education–Charlotte?

If you’ve ever wondered whether the “on campus” Living Education experience might be for you, one of the best ways to get a sense of what it’s like is to tap into the Living Education–Charlotte blog.

Each year, a student is assigned to post regularly in the blog area of Living Education’s LCGEducation.org site and write about what’s happening. This year’s student, Kaleb Johnson, posts about social activities, ways the dorms are serving the local congregation here in Charlotte, and presentations made by teachers and other faculty to the students. Others also contribute, and there are many posts by second-year student Nathan Kroon, LE staff member Rebekah Ross, and others. And photos from events are frequently featured.

So, if you’d like to get a sense of what it’s like being a student at Living Education–Charlotte, head on over to the blog and let them tell you firsthand!

The Sermon from the Podcast: “‘Is It Okay?’ Is the Wrong Question”

As advertised! Here’s the sermon that inspired the podcast for this week. Click here for the podcast if you didn’t hear it, and just hit play below for the sermon!

(Don’t be distracted by the way we spell “OK” differently in the podcast title! We’ll all survive!)