Podcast 127: Answering Christmas Queries

This time of year, we often get queried by friends and families alike about Christmas. How do you answer such questions? Let’s talk about it!

In this week’s episode, we mention two resources. Click here to check them out:

Also in this week’s episode, we mention a short form you can fill out to be considered for our feedback team as we work to reach more younger people in the world with the truth. You can find that form right here. Thanks for volunteering!

Podcast 126: Grow a Heart for Service!

Serving others—in our family, in our congregation, and beyond—is at the very center of God’s purpose for our lives. Today we talk about the vital need we all have to grow a heart oriented toward service, willing to answer God’s call with a “Hear am I, send me!”

Podcast 125: A Trio of Potentially Prophetic AI Frontiers

Artificial Intelligence is growing in its abilities and impact. What are a few areas where it might have prophetic impact? Today, we discuss three.

As for the many articles we mention in this episode, here are links for reading further: