Sermon mentioned: “The Third Law”

In Episode 64 of the podcast, Mr. Robinson mentions a great sermon by the late Mr. Rod King. It really is a wonderful sermon—one of his best—and we heartily recommend it to you if you’ve never listened to it.

Podcast 64: Talking Camp with Mr. Gerald Weston

LYP Teen Camp 2023 is over! Today, we sit down with the camp director and our presiding evangelist, Mr. Gerald Weston, to talk about how camp went and to ask him to explain some of the principles and values that drive our approach to serving our teenagers each summer at the camps. If you’ve ever wanted to know why we do what we do when we do camp, this is your episode!

Don’t forget that we’ve posted tons of pics from this year’s teen camp, available down below, and that more pictures from other camps, such as some of the preteen camps and the adventure camp, should be posted, as well, as soon as we find a spare moment! So, check back often. Now, here’s the podcast!

P.S. I forgot the link to the sermon Mr. Robinson mentioned that I said I would put up! We’ll put it in its own post right after this one—a real classic from Mr. Rod King. If you’ve never heard it, you should give it a listen.

LYP West Virginia Preteen 2023: Early Pics!

We’ll post pictures from this year’s preteen camp in West Virginia shortly after the camp has ended. However, we have a few pics from the first couple of days to share just to give you a taste of the fun the kiddos are having. So, come back in a week! (We’ll try to post other pics, as well—both from the preteen camps and the adventure camp. So, stay tuned.)