LYP Teen Camp 2023: 2B & 4B @ Canoeing, 4B & 1G @ Dance, 2G & 4G @ Canoeing, 2B @ Softball, 1G @ Life Roles, 2G @ Speech, 3G & 4G @ Basketball, and 3G @ Archery, plus some Morning Motivation & Christian Living (Whew! That’s a lot!)

First, our apologies to 1B! We haven’t gotten many pictures of them up at all, but I hear word some pictures were snapped or are being snapped this afternoon, so keep your eyes open tomorrow! In the meantime, enjoy pictures of the other dorms, below! Featured, as well, is Mr. Julian Braddock giving the Christian Living class for the day about the importance of the word “if” and grasping the significance of cause and effect and making deliberate choices in your life.

LYP Teen Camp 2023: 2B & 3B @ Basketball, 2G & 4G @ Canoeing, 3B @ Archery, 2G & 1B @ Dance, and Dorm Pics (and Happy Sabbath from LYP!)

Enjoy a few more pics as the sunset is headed our way, bringing the Sabbath with it! Various pics from different classes below, plus dorm pictures! It’s been a wonderful first week of camp, and from all of us in Texas to all of you around the world, have a happy Sabbath!

Podcast 61: The Lure of the Influencer Life

Influencers on social media are called that for a reason—they are extremely effective at influencing those who watch them. Their lives, attitudes, and apparent success can be extremely appealing, such that those who watch or listen come to want what the person or couple online seems to have. You might think you’re too savvy to be influenced, but don’t be too sure. Not only would 1 Corinthians 10:12 like to have a word, but the money talks too: Influencing is a multi-billion dollar industry because it works. Join us as we talk about the lure that such influencers dangle in front of us while we discuss how to stay grounded in reality and godly values.