Back in 2022, a 14-year-old captured the “joys” of democracy we are currently enjoying

So, apparently, Ulster County in New York holds an annual contest in which children can submit possible drawings for the”I Voted” stickers they will hand out that year. And in a moment that calls to mind the Boaty McBoatface affair (a.k.a., “What happens when you let the Internet decide things”), the 2022 contest produced a very… er… special winner from a 14-year-old. I’ll include a tweet with a larger image below at the “Read More” link, so be warned: It’s not pretty. And as… uh… delightful as the image may be, it offers a lot more to think about than you might guess at first.

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Podcast 100: Advice for the End of the World

Welcome to our 100th episode! We have a treat this week for the occasion. The world around us might look grim, and with an eye on Bible prophecy, we know what to expect. But should we look at the gathering storm and let it get us down, or do we accept the challenge and prepare to rise above the clouds? Special guest Mr. Gerald Weston stops by and offers us some grounded, hopeful advice!

Incredible Animations of the Machinery Within Our Cells

Mr. Gerald Weston loves to mention the complexity of even the simplest cells as evidence of a Creator. And at a Charlotte Family Weekend years ago, I showed a video by animator Mr. Drew Berry (with Mr. Berry’s permission) depicting, with scientific accuracy, the process of DNA replication inside our cells. When you see videos like these, you understand why Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of DNA’s structure, once said, “Biologists must constantly keep in mind that what they see was not designed, but rather evolved,” and why famed evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins once wrote, “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” Because one’s natural reaction to seeing such videos is that these molecular machines were obviously designed for a purpose.

If you’ve never seen such videos for yourselves, two of them are below. One shows—again, with scientific accuracy—how the mitochondria of our cells create ATP molecules, the “energy” molecules we rely on for the processes of life. The other is a collection of videos depicting various mechanisms related to DNA. If you are honest with yourself, you will see designed machines at work in these images. They are a tribute to the skill and talent of Mr. Drew Berry and the folks at WEHI—who, it should be noted, did not create these videos to make any religious points (indeed, I have no idea concerning any religious ties at all), but out of a desire to accurately depict the processes within our cells.

Here are the two videos from the WEHI YouTube channel.