Podcast 98: Delight in the Sabbath!

This week we talk with Mr. Phil Sena, friend of the podcast, and address a listener’s question about keeping the Sabbath. We hope you enjoy it and that your next Sabbath is all the more delightful for what you hear!

Podcast 97: Women, Wives, and Mothers Reflect Their Creator

Society does not sufficiently appreciate wives and mothers, constantly pressing women to seek satisfaction in other roles. In this week’s episode, we respond to a young listener’s request and discuss how women reflect their Creator in those roles He designed for them to fulfill.

Here’s the sermon we referred to in the podcast: “Woman by Design”

Podcast 96: The Difference Between Passover and the NTBMO

What is the difference between Passover and the Night to Be Much Observed? Good question! In this episode, we take a look and recommend a great article by the late John Ogwyn on the topic for your Spring Holy Day preparations.

The article by Mr. Ogwyn that we talk about can be found right here: “Understanding the ‘Night to Be Much Observed'”