LYP Teen Camp 2024: Life Roles for 1G & 3B, 1B in Swimming, 1G & 3G in Canoeing, 2B and 3G at Dance, 2G at Swimming, 3B at Speech & Communication, and a rousing game of Play-Doh Pictionary

LYP Teen Camp 2024: Camp is in full swing! Enjoy 1B & 2G at Softball, 2B in Life Roles, 4B at Archery, Camper Orientation, Christian Living, & Evening Reflection.

In Christian Living, Mr. Jonathan McNair talked about being prepared to give an answer about what you believe. And photos after that are from last night’s Evening Reflection.

LYP Teen Camp 2024: Staff fine-tuning their classes, campers arriving, and the first all-camp Evening Reflection of the year!

In the first batch of pics below, the staff does “dry runs” of their classes to fine-tune them before the campers arrive and it all gets very real!

Here, the first wave of campers arrive and play some fun games, then the bus arrives with many of those who flew in to nearby airports.

The first Teen Camp Evening Reflection of 2024!