Podcast 101: Harrison Butker’s Speech and Prophecy

When 28-year-old Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker recently gave a commencement address to Benedictine College graduates, he kicked off a firestorm of controversy. But biblically discerning listeners will note a mix of great values and great inaccuracies in his speech—and, believe it or not, potentially prophetic relevance. Join us as we break it down!

Here are some of the elements mentioned in this week’s podcast:

Back in 2022, a 14-year-old captured the “joys” of democracy we are currently enjoying

So, apparently, Ulster County in New York holds an annual contest in which children can submit possible drawings for the”I Voted” stickers they will hand out that year. And in a moment that calls to mind the Boaty McBoatface affair (a.k.a., “What happens when you let the Internet decide things”), the 2022 contest produced a very… er… special winner from a 14-year-old. I’ll include a tweet with a larger image below at the “Read More” link, so be warned: It’s not pretty. And as… uh… delightful as the image may be, it offers a lot more to think about than you might guess at first.

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Podcast 100: Advice for the End of the World

Welcome to our 100th episode! We have a treat this week for the occasion. The world around us might look grim, and with an eye on Bible prophecy, we know what to expect. But should we look at the gathering storm and let it get us down, or do we accept the challenge and prepare to rise above the clouds? Special guest Mr. Gerald Weston stops by and offers us some grounded, hopeful advice!