LYP Teen Camp 2024: 1B & 4G dancing, 1B speaking, 2B & 4B canoeing, 2B also speaking, 3G & 4G sportsing, 4B swimming, and Christian Living—all the “ings”!

Here are 1B & 4G, learning to dance.

1B learning speech principles.

2B & 4B out on the lake.

2B behind the lectern.

3G & 4G on the court.

4B takes a dip.

Mr. Michael Elliott in Christian Living exhorting the campers to let no one despise your youth.

Podcast 107: Remembering Mr. Richard Ames

Today, we sit down with our guest, Mr. Phil Sena, and share some memories about Mr. Richard Ames, a faithful servant of God, and reflect on his life and legacy.

LYP Teen Camp 2024: 1B & 2G at Dance, 1G & 2G at Basketball, 1G & 4B at Dance, 2B & 3B at Basketball, 1G at Speech & Communication, 3G in Life Roles, and, finally, Evening Reflection. Looking forward to the Sabbath!