Podcast 107: Meditations on an Almost-Assassination

The near-miss assassination attempt on Mr. Trump could have been a national tragedy. In moments like this, it is vital to think biblically and not just emotionally. Today, we meditate together on some important principles that should come to mind in a moment like this one.

LYP Teen Camp 2024: A potpourri of many activities on a busy day (and who knew Malta was in the Renamed Retina?)

Activities continued today (well, yesterday, now!). Some rain moved evening activities indoors for a while, but all was well after another great day. Pics begin below, with 2G & 3G at Softball.

2G & 4G at Volleyball

2G in Swimming

3G in Life Roles and prepping for some dancing!

3G in the S.E.P. class

…and 4B too!

4G S.E.P.

Evening Activities included dancing, basketball, and a Bible Bowl.

Evening Reflection

LYP Teen Camp 2024: Getting close to the end, but not over yet!

Putting first things first in Christian Living class

3B & 4G go canoeing.

1B & 2B at Volleyball

1G at S.E.P.

2B & 2G putting on their dancing shoes

2B taking aim in Archery

2B swimming

And some random hanging out!