Podcast 51: They Came from CANADA! 🇨🇦

This week we have the privilege of sitting down with two good friends visiting from the Church’s Canadian HQ, Mr. Michael Heykoop and Mr. Javid Khan, to talk about Canada’s very vital part in God’s Work around the world and to learn a little more about their mysterious and exotic nation.

Also, in the next post, we’ll include a Canadian TW telecast featuring Mr. Heykoop and a TW Viewpoint featuring Mr. Khan, so you can do the creepy pause-and-stare thing we talk about in the podcast. And, when you’re done, watch the programs! They are excellent.

The podcast is available below in the usual formats: YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Enjoy!

Podcast 50: How Romans 1 Explains the World Around Us

Romans 1:18–32 does a pretty thorough job explaining why our world is terrible—and the thinking you need to avoid to prevent falling into the same trap. And it’s a trap being laid for the young, specifically, more than anyone else. Don’t fall for it!

Podcast 49: Who in the World Are You Guys, Anyway?

A lazy podcast at the end of a very busy week, but still hopefully a helpful one! A listener asked us to explain our work backgrounds and what brought us to where we are today, so we jump in and answer. And, still, there are opportunities to model biblical thinking. We hope you get something out of it, and for those in the middle of the Days of Unleavened Bread, we pray that the Festival is a profitable one for you!

(Also, we talk in the podcast about the change in the magazine format that the Church made ten years ago next month. We’ll add a post about that after this one.)

Podcast 48: The Poisonous Power of Blame

We’ve all done it. Adam and Eve did it! But it’s not helpful.

Blaming others. It blinds us and twists our thinking. But there is real power in “owning up” to our mistakes, errors, and sins. As the Spring Holy Days approach and we are all examining ourselves, let’s consider the effect of blaming others for our choices and aim at doing better.

Podcast 47: Sweet, Sweet Deleavening Meditations

The deleavening that you do leading up to the Days of Unleavened Bread can bring some sweet, sweet meditations. There are a lot of lessons packed into that crumb-sweeping! Today, we flash back to some lessons we’ve learned, and we hope they inspire you to do some meditating yourself this season. [BTW: The Apple Podcast is taking a while to load. We’ll come back and add it when it is up, too!]

Podcast 46: How Can I Have Hope for My Future?

Today we answer a question from a listener: With the world getting worse as Jesus Christ’s return approaches nearer, how should a young person think about his or her future?

Podcast 45: Why Is the Bible Sometimes Vague?

Sometimes you just want the Bible to spell out all the “dos and don’ts” of things in all their details, but it doesn’t. Is that a bug or a feature? Join us today as we chat about why God might choose to handle some things this way.

You can find the episode on any of the platforms below, and if you have a favorite platform that we’re not on, just let us know at [email protected].