Entries by Wallace Smith

Podcast 94: Love and Respect

Today, we invite Mr. Rod McNair to join us in answering a listener’s question: What does it mean to love and respect other people? Do love and respect depend on other people’s actions? Or are they unconditional? Join us! [BTW: If you are a fan of podcasts and haven’t checked out the Brother to Brother […]

Video: Molecular Motors Are Obviously Designed

This is a very short video, but the author has aggregated several great clips of molecular motor design in living cells. All I ask is that you look at it with your “commonsense hat” on: Do these look designed or not? Listen to the descriptions in the video: clutches, switches, etc. In a normal world, […]

Podcast 93: What We Wish We’d Known #2

Today, we take a page from one of our Season 1 episodes and take turns talking about things we know now that we wish we’d known when we were teens and young adults. Listen and learn! And afterward, if you want to listen to the first podcast, featuring Mr. Mark Sandor, click here.

Podcast 92: The Pros and Cons of Science Fiction

Science fiction is still popular, as recent box-office results illustrate. But indulging in fiction of any sort requires us to keep our biblical worldview in place and our biblically thinking brains engaged, with sci-fi, as a genre, presenting some special challenges in this regard. Today, we talk about that and hope you’ll join us! Also, […]

Podcast 91: Q&A Potpourri!

This week we tackle a collection of short questions from listeners: Why are Sabbath services structured the way they are? How do we relate to people outside the Church? And how do we discern God’s will? We hope to do more Q&A Potpourri episodes in the future, so let us know what you think! P.S. […]

Podcast 90: IVF and Emotion-Based Morals

The Alabama Supreme Court decision in February 2024, declaring embryos created for purposes of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) to be children has generated shockwaves in the political realm and is exposing just how much what is right or wrong is grounded in little more than emotion and what our hearts tell us. But how will we […]