Entries by Wallace Smith

Podcast 101: Harrison Butker’s Speech and Prophecy

When 28-year-old Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker recently gave a commencement address to Benedictine College graduates, he kicked off a firestorm of controversy. But biblically discerning listeners will note a mix of great values and great inaccuracies in his speech—and, believe it or not, potentially prophetic relevance. Join us as we break it down! […]

Incredible Animations of the Machinery Within Our Cells

Mr. Gerald Weston loves to mention the complexity of even the simplest cells as evidence of a Creator. And at a Charlotte Family Weekend years ago, I showed a video by animator Mr. Drew Berry (with Mr. Berry’s permission) depicting, with scientific accuracy, the process of DNA replication inside our cells. When you see videos […]

Harrison Butker’s Amazing (& Very Catholic) Speech

You may or may not be into football, but the 28-year-old kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, Harrison Butker, gave quite a commencement address this month to the graduates of Benedictine College, a Catholic university in Kansas. Whether you have or haven’t, it’s worth knowing what took place. First, Butker is clear and plain about […]

Podcast 99: Thinking About the Campus Protests

As protests related to the war in Gaza continue on many college campuses, it’s important that we think clearly about them. What’s going on with these protests? What are they achieving, if anything? And what do we do, as followers of Jesus Christ, when confronted with heartbreaking images in our news feeds? Join us today […]