Entries by Wallace Smith

“There is no vice which lacks a defense…”

I have a book with some thoughts from stoic philosophers that I look through occasionally. The Stoics weren’t perfect, and the extremes of some of their thinking were off. But the best of them did not fit many of the stereotypes we read. One of them, Seneca, is often thought to have been a friend […]

Did you know Living Ed is on Spotify?

While Living Education is out there at lcgeducation.org, ready for you anytime you are, a lot of members aren’t aware of a tiny slice of LE is out there on Spotify, as well. Mr. Ken Frank’s “Digging Deeper” recordings are available as a podcast on Spotify, where you can follow them and add them to […]

The Bible and (believe it or not) fractals

Warning: This short video is a bit nerdy. You may accidentally learn about something related to math. But the point my pastor’s wife made to me years ago has been a real blessing to how I think about and appreciate the Bible, and it continues to bless me today, and it seemed worth sharing.

Expanded (Amazing) DNA Video from Charlotte Family Weekend

Those who attended the Charlotte Family Weekend at the end of 2019 and saw the seminar where we discussed reasons to believe God exists. If so, you saw an amazing video depicting DNA replication, created by Drew Barry, a professional science animator who kindly gave us permission to show the video to our audience.